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Friday, August 22, 2008

The Scoop on Reality BBQ 

From Spamgirl, the owner of BBQ:

The site was sold a month ago and changes (other than ads) weren't supposed to be *noticeable* until after BB10. The only reason the forum looks so majorly different was because I was running Linux and they're running Windows and our theme wasn't compatible... so they changed it.

One thing hasn't changed - I still run the site. The reason I didn't tell anyone about the handover was that there was nothing TO tell - the site doesn't "change hands" for another month, so I didn't really think there was anything to say. Donations were removed from the board 3 weeks before I sold it, and the VERY few donations we did receive this season (10) didn't even cover one month's worth of hosting, and our advertising revenue was next to nil, and we only had a few SuperPass signups (Real must have done very VERY badly this year, I'm hearing from everyone their numbers were exceptionally low) so we only had enough money come in to cover the cost of April-August hosting (that doesn't even include the contest prizes for BB10 which I am paying out of pocket at the moment). So I thank the donators, but if I hadn't sold the site it would have been closing at the end of September because we couldn't afford to pay another hosting anymore.

I've been doing this for 10 seasons. My daughter hasn't spent a single summer day out enjoying herself in 8 years. It was time for me to pass the reins on to another company that could do bigger, better things with RealityBBQ than I have the time or inclination to do. I want my life back, to be honest, and after 3 seasons practically back-to-back I was done. I'm also dealing with medical issues of my own that have severely decreased the amount of time I can spend on the computer. Tack it all together and it was just time for me to step down.

From what I know, BuddyTV will be leaving RealityBBQ as it is right now for this season and probably next season. They've asked me to stay on and I'm considering it, and if I do I will require that it stay the same - as long as I can, I'll fight to keep RealityBBQ's community intact.

As to how much I was paid... RealityBBQ is priceless, so I can never say I got enough :)

I wonder if there was such an outrage when Joker sold to Digilady? Look what she did for JokersUpdates! I can only imagine what more BuddyTV can do with their massive venture capital :)