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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Enquiring Minds Want To Know 

A frantic reader writes:

Does ANYONE know what is going on over at the BBQ? Sure as heck the members and most staff don't! Spamgirl has confirmed the site has been sold to BuddyTV, only because it seems BTV came in and made changes that has posters up in arms. Why did this all go down in secrecy? She could have warned members that have been loyal to BBQ even in slow times. Some donators are really upset and feel ripped off. Alot of members say they won't stay after getting a look at BTV and how it is run. No one knows if BTV is going to merge the boards or leave them separate, although supposedly Spamgirl is still going to be in charge until BB10 is over. Of course the change of guard wasn't supposed to happen until then either..............

Did she get anywhere near the amount of $ Ette over at JU was offerered (rumored to be a pretty penny)? Enquiring minds want to know.