Send Your Scoop To Reality Enquirer

Friday, July 29, 2005


Either this is the most boring season of Big Brother ever, or nobody likes to gossip.

Here's the synopsis:

Reality BBQ is edgy
TV Clubhouse is supersweet
Jokers Updates is a cesspool of hidden intrigue
Morty's can still rock the vote
BBUpdates - is that still going on?
Elites TV is one tamal short of a monterrey plate

Did I miss anyone. Sure I did. But its late, and if you don't write me I will never know.

Film at 11.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Do Over 

Well let's try this again. Seems I screwed up all the vote totals when I made a small rearrangement on the Best BB poll, so I have reset all the vote totals to zero again.

Another auspicious start to a Big Brother season.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Polls Rule 

OK I see a few (well maybe one) site that has created their own voting box on their site.

Come on guys - the least you can do is point your voters to this site so they can vote from here.

Besides when I update the poll with new sites, your voting box won't be correct.

So the rule is - don't try getting around having your fans visit Reality Enquirer to vote, or I will have to take your site off the poll.

I know - you are all devastated.

Have a nice BB!

Hare Today 

So remember Bunny? One of the best Big Brother summary writers at TVClubhouse in past years has started their own site at www.bitobunny.com.

It is off to a good start, so take a visit and make sure you spam the guestbook.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Only The Best - Polls Are Open 

So who is going to have the best Big Brother site this year? Well the polls are now open for your votes!

Just check the right side of the page and select your favorite site. If it isn't there, click other and leave a comment on who you are voting for.

Go Morty!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Only The Worst 

Yes I stole this from the banner over on Elites TV. But what better way to honor those that toil and trouble live feeding Big Brother than to hold a poll?

So here it is - vote for the worst live feeder of BB6! If you have a nomination, click the Other option and leave a note who you are nominating and I will try to get into the list.

Vote early, vote often, and lets see if Morty's can win this one!